Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1765.07.22

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Index Entry Copy of a Letter [t] [beg] Sol, in the east, from Neptune's watry Bed 
Location Hartford 
22 Jul 1765:31 (35)
Sol, in the east, from Neptune's watry Bed,
Rising, dispells the mist, and shews his guilded head.
Aurora blushes, interstreak'd with grey,
Heightens in beauty, and proclaims the day.
The feather'd choirs, in ev'ry bough rejoice, 
Tune ev'ry throat, to manifest their joys.
The waving air, conveys the pleasing sound,
And whisp'ring zyphers, waft the musick round'
Nature, not art, compleats the melody.
Chirps are the notes, not la, fa, sol, la, mi.
. . . [60 more lines] [signed] Somniator.

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1765.07.22 
Publisher Green, Thomas 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1765 
Bibliography B0012236
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